Is our Holographic Universe a Simulation or an Original Construct
Philosophers have described souls for millennia, but modern scientists have yet to identify the soul by analyzing space-time. Here are insights into what most fail to grasp about our reality.
Philosophers have described souls for millennia, but modern scientists have yet to identify the soul by analyzing space-time. In actuality, our souls exist outside of this universe in a zone I refer to as dimension zero. According to the math of string/m theory, we operate within an 11 dimension universe, 7 “hidden” dimensions, and the vastness of the 4 of space-time.
Those seven dimensions, identified through string/m and alluded to in ancient wisdom for millennia, are non-physical and appear to exist in collective thought with no physicality. That is also where our individualized minds and thoughts exist and operate, while our brains and bodies are manifested in the much larger four dimensions of space-time, aka the physical universe. Minds are how souls interface within this universe to operate our bodies and brains, in space-time, though evidence says it is possible to operate here without brains or even physical bodies. I have set the stage for the rest of this discussion, and will leave the topic of souls for another.
David Bohm, while not aware of the exact dimension count of the hidden seven dimension zone, since string/m came after he passed, provides an effective look at how that zone of existence, and the underpinnings of space-time operate to define and control what exists and transpires (manifests) in the realities we perceive.
To understand the observations that support what is now being called simulation theory, it is important to understand the work of David Bohm. This provides a general overview of key concepts. Reading Wholeness and the Implicate Order and the Essential David Bohm provides a greater understanding. Here is the link to a PDF called River of Truth that provides insights without reading both books, as well as the previous link to another article from a different point of view.
This is the key to understanding more of the structure and functionality observed by Bohm and others. The hidden seven dimensions, which result in what Bohm called the implicate order exist in collective thought and contain the knowledge and rules that define and drive the existence and activity within the much larger four dimensions of space-time we perceive as the physical universe.
What many are now calling a “simulation” is always updating in real time and at rates of speed that produce many of the underlying rules like speed of light, mass, and more. I think simulation is the wrong conclusion, but is an apt analogy to start from. Reality appears more like a complex holographic multi-dimensional multi-player game that updates in real time.
I don’t think it is simulating something else but instead operating as an original hologram manifesting from a zone of collective thought, as Bohm and others describe. What created and manages that system is another question altogether and we may eventually find out that it is indeed a simulation of something else, or as it appears now, an original ever changing construct.
The concept of holo-movement ties together the observations of a continually updating system driven by myriad inputs (thoughts, deeds, and other acitivty) that determine the content of what manifests in space-time. It also shines a bright light onto what ancient and even more modern symbolism such as the infinity symbol (lemniscate), the ouroboros, the ancient variation of swastika, the cross and four elements, Yin and Yang, and more were inspired by and to what they allude. While not so obvious on first sight, this includes the point within a circle (circumpunct, astrological symbol and hieroglyph for the sun, alchemical gold, etc.) I discuss these in my book in greater detail.
Wave-Particle Duality
Another vital topic associated with how our realities are manifested and maintained is wave-particle duality. I know that some are stuck on asserting the need for non-duality, but it must be understood that space-time is based upon the flows between opposing polarities. Like the flows between positive and negative poles in batteries and electrical systems, the holo-movement is a polarity driven flow, as is the entire space-time construct. One can’t effectively understand our reality without this realization.
The fact that waveforms comprise our ever flowing realities and resolve into particles when observed provides vital insights when matched with observations from String/M theory and Bohm’s work. The very existence of both waveforms and particles is a foundational duality that can’t simply be wished away. The following analogy is one I have used before to demonstrate how this works.
Consider the example of a movie theater. The projector (source) emits a stream of light consisting of myriad distinct intertwined and interdependent waveforms. That stream of light shines onto a movie screen, hence a two dimensional surface or membrane. When you look at the projector stream from the side you see the flowing waveforms moving towards the screen at the speed of light.
Now consider that the movie screen represents the plane of present time. The light moving towards it contains near future events. But in that instant when it impacts the screen, the photons of all the separate and distinct waveforms become particles. Then in the next instant the next instantaneous slice of that waveform becomes the state of that particle in the next slice of time, and so on.
Thereby, particles are the snapshot of a slice of their waveform in that instant. It is the same effect seen with photographs and how they sometimes show the movement of people and things as stretched images or a trail ending in a more solid image when exposure time is long enough to capture a pattern of movement instead of a frozen instant in time.
Hence, all the particles that make up solid forms in space-time are really just instantaneous snapshots of the state of a thin slice of a waveform in that flash of time. Movement and change through time of the solid forms we perceive are thereby akin to a continual series of freeze frames of slices of complex collections of intertwined and interactive waveforms.
Works like the frames of a movie film or the pages in a flip book. Each slice of the complex waveform we see as a particle-centric reality, instead of the entire flowing wave, because our perceptions are pegged to the instant of “present time,” not longer stretches. Our collective and individualized perceptions likewise create “present time” and for us the present is what persists. The past becomes knowledge and the future is an array of potential outcomes.
It is important to note that the passage of time and thereby the rate of perceptions are fixed collectively so we experience the same reality together, with very minor variations. The waveforms and their speed and frequency are the foundations from which our perceptions result in what we experience as a physical universe built from particles and interacting forces.
Validation of 11 dimensions is derived from the math of the branch of super-string called M-theory, where M alludes to apparent membranes (branes). In the analogy of a movie theater, the screen is the membrane that represents the plane of present time. The area between the screen and projector is akin to sub-space.
The light coming from the source, aka the projector, is an ever moving waveform which can be seen from the side view in a theater, moving and expanding towards the screen/membrane. In reality, our perceptions are fixated on that membrane, which is the plane of present time, and we are generally unable to shift perceptions to see the movement of waveforms, and only see the instant they interact with present time.
When watching the screen, you are seeing the waveform continuously hitting the simulated plane of present time at the constant fixed rate of the speed of light. When it strikes the screen, each layer of quanta become particles, thus manifesting as complex 3D objects moving, which rely on the existence of energy, which relies on the existence of space, which relies on the existence of time. The wave going towards the screen is the future potential and immediately after hitting the screen in a flash, to become the present, in comes the next quanta, making the previous the past, and so on. It is like a flip book at the fixed speed of light.
Both past and potential futures still reside on the roll of film, with the past being verified results of choices made from among an array of potential outcomes. The future or incoming stream of quanta are immediate future results and present time is that moment of destruction and creation as the quanta strike the membrane of perception to become particles in present time. The roll of film exists, as does the projector, which sets it in motion and translates it to moving waveforms of light. They match up then to the functionality of the hidden seven dimensions and what is perceived on the screen (membrane) are analogous to the perceptions and flow of manifestations within space-time.
The Holographic Model
In the holographic model, those seven hidden and much smaller dimensions serve as a “data crystal” that stores the details that manifest into the holographic functionality we experience as physical existence, in the much larger four dimensions of space-time. They are updated in real time, hence the holo-movement description, functioning much like a vast software driven and managed holo-deck as seen in Star Trek, or perhaps a Matrix like simulation.
Time is required for motion, both of the waveforms and what they manifest in present time, hence time is the 8th dimension and the first of space-time, following those seven dimensions. Unlike the movie projector analogy, it is more akin to a software driven graphic environment of a multi-player game that requires inputs from both the software and users to determine what happens. The term holo-movement coined by Bohm implies holographic functionality and movement of a plasma-like zone of waveforms, as has been observed and theorized by others as well.
The entire reality is in constant flux as a feedback loop that updates the “data crystal” (film projector) in real time. This then changes what potential outcomes are available for “selection” by the interaction of users and the “software,” rules, and data, etc. I have referred to the infinity symbol as a simple model of the flow between space-time activities and the continually updated thoughts and information in the hidden seven dimensions. Hence, the observations of holo-movement between space-time activities and an implicate order within the seven hidden dimensions. The point in the center of those two zones represents where space-time components emerge and expand into the macro existence we experience.
Since time, the eighth dimension, and first of space-time is at the foundations of our reality and its various components and activities, another insight is related to research into the eight dimensional math of octonions. Physicists are seeing this complex class of higher math involved at the foundations of our reality to give rise to those things we see in the quantum realm, hence the building blocks of what becomes space-time.
Since they work in eight dimensions, this is an insight into how and what manifests at the base of our physical reality as it flows (think holo-movement) from the seven dimensions towards the components of space-time. I touch upon this and related in my previous article titled Insights into the Eight-Sided Great Pyramid at Giza. This matches the reality that time is the eighth dimension, where the math of octonions comes into play. It also leads to what many call sacred geometry and the shapes, fractals and formulas that underlie the shapes of things in nature. The ancients left proof they understood this and much else.
One question that has arisen from these observations and discussions is that of fate and determinism vs free will. It is clear that fundamental and immutable forces and functionality drive what we see and experience in space-time. It is also clear that the presence of so many other beings limits our freewill to do as we desire at all times. Yet, it is also clear that this universe and our realities require the input of thought and actions to determine outcomes.
Another analogy I find useful to explain this conundrum is that of fish in a river. The river provides constraints on freewill, but the fish are free to swim and exist within its confines. They have freewill to exit the river too, but with obvious negative effects that keep most from exercising that option, voluntarily. It is the same with us as beings with environmental requirements. We have freewill but we also have limits due to the bodies we inhabit on a planet. There are factors that are determined for us and things we can cause and create and endure, as well.
Other Ramifications from the Holographic Model
Now, also consider that in this holographic model of existence, there can be multiple realities existing in the same space, but within different wavelengths and frequency bands. They remain mostly separate with some minor bleed over. This would also explain what happens when people take DMT and shamanic substances and find themselves in a completely different reality, because their mind/brain perceptions shift to that new frequency. It would explain things like ghosts and other entities we can’t see usually, but our pets can perceive, and sometimes we do when their wavelength overlaps into ours.
It appears fundamental forces like gravity cross the barrier between realities and large structures like galaxies leave evidence of this. Hence, evidence of dark matter and energy are most likely to be from adjacent realities in the hologram, in the same location, but outside of our standard perceptions which are pegged to a specific wave-length and frequency band, but can be inferred by their effects. Hence, not parallel universes, but adjacent realities sharing the same holographic space-time, but mostly undetectable to the other realities.
The discussions of unlimited universes being spawned as the results of all possible actions has been popular, but as with much that is conjectured for the entertainment value and populism, it is demonstrably wrong, or at least highly unlikely. The evidence merely points to a lack of real insights, not to multiple universes. The math and evidence are in fact insights into the underlying patterns and resulting “structures” that give rise to this universe and its holographic features.
Yes, there are many realities, and more specifically within other “layers” (frequencies, wavelengths…) of space-time, which is a product of the seven hidden dimensions validated by both string/m theory and alluded to via ancient wisdom/science. Anything scientists can perceive and test directly is within this universe and our narrow band of wavelengths, which are merely a slice of a much wider holographic system of adjacent realities.
Multiverse Paradox
The math and related data that many scientists used to point to the existence of multiple and infinite universes is a complete misunderstanding of the patterns emanating from the system they are observing. What the data actually demonstrates is an infinitely capable set of rules and features that can produce any reality that can be imagined. The important thing to grasp is that all potential outcomes never exist simultaneously, they are merely possible. The automatic spawning of entire universes from an infinite array of potential outcomes is unsustainable and presents an unsolvable paradox.
Similar is seen in computer systems that can produce almost any outcome, but don’t produce anything without the input of users and then only produce a mere fraction of their potential, at any given time. Likewise, the nature of what is produced changes with ongoing inputs across the spectrum of time. Likewise, 2D computer screens and pixels follow this model of updating quanta (pixels) to simulate movement in three dimensions on a membrane that represents present time.
It seems those who hypothesize infinite universes think that everything possible always happens, which is easily disproved. In fact, the spawning of infinite universes or even infinite realities within one universe is a temporal paradox. Infinite universes or realities spawned from every potential outcome is unsustainable quickly, much less forever. That assumption also posits that existence is wholly automatic and there is zero freewill, and the inputs of discrete entities like ourselves are meaningless.
When you add the variables of time, freewill, polarity (aka dualism), and consequences (results) it becomes apparent that current reality and outcomes are constrained by input/output and are not merely the result of automatic generation of every potential and possibility. This universe is thought driven and inputs are required to determine which potential outcomes are the ones that occur, hence the topic of determination vs freewill.
Once events transpire, the other potentials for that moment or for that immediate pattern become non-viable, and the potentials for future moments and patterns are adjusted accordingly, based on what did in fact happen in the past. Hence the waveform of things that occurred is constrained by present time choices and outcomes, while the waveforms of near future probabilities are wider or more varied. The waveform of further future possibilities is wider and more varied still, the farther away from present time. Hence the cone of potentials narrows as present time approaches, and is then narrowed and set in stone after it happens and immediately becomes the past and knowledge.
Here is the followup article to this one titled “Grasping Vital Points Most Physicists Misinterpret About Reality.” Published 5/13/2024. This one is designed to focus squarely on key details required to understand the “warp and woof” of our universe that gets lost in the complexity and misinterpretations of quantum physics and string/M.
For those more inclined to understand some of the esoteric knowledge that also points to the structure of our reality, read the previous article, Insights from the Eight-Sided Great Pyramid at Giza and my book, also linked above.